​Job Title: Plant Health Care Specialist / Invasive Plant Control
Compensation: $17-$25, depending on experience and skills
Job Summary:
Are you interested in improving ecosystems but can also embrace the strategic application of pesticides? When you see a quarter acre overrun with invasive vegetation, would you like to transform it into a healthy woodland? If so, this job might be a good fit for you.
Schedule: Full-time or part-time options available.
A full time position during the winter and early spring likely involve assisting on one of our tree crews, helping to split and stack firewood, etc.​
- Aptitude for outdoor, physically-demanding work (if you cannot effectively use a shovel, please look elsewhere)
- Drivers License
- Ability to work independently (good at time management; good problem solving skills)
- Aptitude for plant identification (if you can’t tell a maple from a sweetgum, please look elsewhere)
- Attentiveness to detail (if you’re prone to misreading or misunderstanding critical instructions, please look elsewhere)
- Conscientious work ethic
Bonus points for…
- Job experience in a physically-demanding, outdoor profession (e.g., agriculture, landscaping, roofing, construction, tree work)
- Working knowledge of power tools
- Experience with machinery and driving with a trailer
- Aptitude for office-related skills (writing professional emails, scheduling, record keeping on a spread sheet, etc)
- Knowledge of plant biology and identification
- NC Pesticide Applicators License