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Request a Free Treeist Wood Chip Drop!

This is a free service we offer within our service area (Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Durham, nearby).

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We have received your submission.  Thank you!

By signing up for Free Treeist Wood Chips, you're agreeing to the following:

- Wood chip deliveries are made when we are working in your area and need to empty a full dump truck. 

- Signing up for a free Treeist chip drop does not guarantee you will receive wood chips, and we cannot provide a timeframe for delivery.

-We'll text you a heads up before delivery, signing up means you accept a drop whenever we have one ready.

- We cannot deliver partial loads. 

-The wood chip pile is typically 10 ft across and 4 ft high.

-Chips will often have some leaves, pine needles, sticks, etc., and we cannot guarantee that a load of chips will be comprised of a specific wood type.

Our goal is to provide everyone in our community free wood chips(!) & effectively work this free service into our daily project flow.

-Thank you for your patience as we work to reduce the friction to make this happen for all.

If you'd like to get on multiple wood chip drop lists try out 

- all tree companies in the area use this site, and it usually has a fairly short wait period for this reason.

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